5 Things To Do Upon Waking Up in the Morning

People have different rituals when they wake up in the morning.  Some would do some stretching on the bed, others would immediately wash their face and gargle.  Others would say their prayers, while others  would instantly prepare their favorite coffee to warm them up.   Each one of us have different practices mornings and it all depends on our values and things that we have been used to doing.    I do have my own morning traditions.  I have done these as far as I could recall.  Here are the most common ones and why do I do them.

1)  Say my short prayer -  It's a personal prayer that I created and  it asks for guidance, expresses gratitude for the blessings and I say prayers for other people also.  Occasionally, I mention people that really need prayers: sick friends, parents, family members, etc.   The power of prayer should not be underestimated for faith can do a lot to the believer.  A tiny seed of faith is enough to give courage to the believer.

2)  Recite my affirmations -  It's a good practice to affirm oneself before starting one's day.  It attracts good vibes, positive energy and creates a good aura.   My day just is not complete if I do not do my affirmations before I begin my chores.  For me, its good to claim  my achievements before hand.   Sometimes, I listen to a recorded meditation guide which I downloaded from meditation web sites.  It  exercises my mind and leaves me feeling energized.

3)  Fix my bed- When you fix your bed,  you get to plan the day ahead. While you are folding blankets and tucking bed sheets, you could imagine how your day would unfold and also know what your priorities will be.  It is also pleasant to lie down on a well-kept bed at night.

4)  Drink a glass of water - Water is the perfect chemical balancer in your body.  Drinking a glass of water upon waking up stabilizes your blood pressure and hydrates your body.  It also prevents constipation and stimulates bowel movement.  When you drink water, it will condition your intestines to start excreting so that will be ready for a refill.   Always remember that regular bowel movement is good for your health.

5) Drink a cup of coffee -  Coffee is beneficial to the body.  It contains oxidants that slows down the aging process, fights pain and common diseases.  Caffeine boosts energy which in turn increases physical strength and strengthens the heart. There are so many benefits to drinking coffee that it is advised to drink a minimum of two cups a day for an energetic body.

Whatever you are used to doing in the morning, make it a good preparation for the day.    Always make sure that your day is meaningful and ends up happy for you and also for other people around you.  There are many surprises around us  so we should be ready by starting our day right.    How do you start your day?


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