What's Your New Year's Resolution?

Happy New Year friends!!!  How did you celebrate New Year's Day?  I'm sure, like me, you prepared a lot for the New Year.  You prepared your favorite dish, desert, drink; wore your New Year's Day polka-dot blouse or red blouse, and other traditional practices that you have done during New Year's Day celebration.  The euphoria is over.  It's 2014.   And like the previous years, we made grand plans for the year to be right and perfect.    What do you plan to do for 2014?   I have made a list, and I made my objectives and goals here very specific because one of the things that I have learned in making objectives and goals is  to make them:

S - specific
M- measureable
A-  attainable
R - realistic
T - timely

So I made my new year's resolution really, really s-m-a-r-t and also wrote them in a more positive way.  Here goes:

1.  Buy only the things that I will use. ( I did not say to save, because to save is very 
2.  Eat more fruits. (Eating more fruits is more specific than just to diet)
3.  Sleep early.
4.  Run for fifteen minutes three times a week.  (If I can not run outside, then I will run 
     indoors or use the exercise bike)
5.  Play badminton every Saturday.
6.  Drink water only during badminton games.
7.  Eat more fish than pork, chicken or beef.
8.  Eat more tofu.
9.  Stay at home instead of going to malls.
10.  Watch movies via Internet.
11.  Cook a new recipe once a month.
12.  Learn a new language and one structure daily with five new words daily.
13.  Meditate at least 5 minutes daily.
14.  Buy only clothes when there is an occasion or important events.
15.  Give gifts only during a friend's birthday or a loved ones birthday. 
16.  Do not dilly-dally or procrastinate. (Dilly-dallying has cost me a lot in the past.  I was still half-way writing my blog and the lights went out, without saving the article I was writing, all because I was dilly-dallying.  That incident taught me a lesson about finishing one's planned task first before doing the other minor stuff)

I just hope that I can do these all religiously (fingers-crossed).  I will try to record my progress here so that I will be able to share with you any development that I am making in as far as fulfilling my resolutions.

What are your resolutions for 2014?


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