Security Breach at East-West Bank Credit Card

I normally avoid writing any complains or rants because I am a firm believer that when things get resolved in the end, it will be difficult to recant hurtful statements that have been thrown or written about someone but I am going to make an exception now.  I just can't take this sitting down anymore.  East-West Bank has totally turned a deaf ear on a complaint that I have sent them almost a month already.  If you are a holder of an East-West Bank Credit Card, don't use that as you might be a victim of a security error.

To summarize my issues, please read: I almost fainted when I discovered, upon receipt of my cc statement, that my credit card was used in a foreign country and I was charged P6000 for such an item.  I was shocked because I have not been in that part of the world yet (although I was going to take a trip there a few days later).  Upon receipt of my statement, I immediately filed a report through their customer service and gave all the necessary details regarding the questionable item, as well as my identification. 

The customer service offered as a palliative measure that I change my card (retaining my account number) to which I agree.  That cost me P400 which later, through a text message, East-West said the payment for such has been reversed so i was able to save P400 for such a transaction.  However, the fate of  the P6000 payment has not been resolved yet.

A text message was sent through me requesting for documents so that my request can be processed to which i acted the soonest time that I could.  However, 5 days after I sent such email to, no confirmation of receipt or anything was sent to me.  The CS told me again, to resend the same documents and wait for 30 minutes for an acknowledgement.  I dutifully, obeyed the CS because I thought the advise was a good one.  However, one CS told me that only one email should be sent by one sender.   Of course, this one I need to validate whether it's true or not.   Apparently, 4  emails will not be enough to get the bank's attention.  I was advised to send by fax documents to their fax number in order to expedite the request.  The following day, I expected a call or an email regarding my request, but no reaction from the banks.  Nada...So, like a broken record, I called up again the CS and she advised me to wait another 24 hours for any reaction from the bank.  Since it is a weekend tomorrow, I am going to hold my breath until Monday and then, should the bank call me or notify me then I will be able to exhale a really, really long sigh, but that remains to be something to be anticipated till Monday.  Meanwhile, I'm going to not use my card until this issue is resolved.  And who knows, I will have it closed.  This bank, needs to fortify their security system first so that they will not lose any clients.


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