If I were a lawyer, I would...

... sue all immigration officers who suspect tourists of not returning back or to be guilty of trafficking drugs or what-have-you

... have no qualms of suing a fellow lawyer who would deliberately create circumstances that would delay trial or invent excuses that would cause for a trial to get delayed.  

... sue a judge who ruled in favor of the wrong-doer.  

... not accept any high-profile, risky case.

... sue any judge, politician, friend, relative who accepts money in exchange for favors in short, those that engage in bribery.

... give my services for free to victims of child abuse, rape, murder,  domestic abuse and other victims of injustice.  

... double my retainers and fees to my politician clients to offset my pro-bono work..

...I would sue all tax-evaders and make them pay till the last centavo that they owe the government.

...push for divorce in the legislation (so that wives will all get half of their husbands' assets) .

...always defend with conviction (almost biased to a fault) if a woman is the defendant or plaintiff.

...sue media companies that (i.e. television stations) that air programs just to rake in high financial gains but no respect for the intelligence of their viewers (they should be burnt at the stakes, hear that? KKK?) 

So thank your lucky stars (and God) that I did not become a lawyer otherwise, I will be an angry one and will be an enemy of every evil-doer.    I will be the super lawyer and savior of the oppressed, without the mask, cape and superpowers, but superpowers aint that bad.  I wish I would have one too.    


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