Why We Should Eat Ashitaba

It seems that I am the only person who does not know about this new herbal medicine that has made it to the list as among the must-try natural/herbal medicines.  My father even started his own Ashitaba garden at our backyard and plans to sell them, well, what can I say, at 74, he is still active, fortunately. Thanks to good genes and a healthy lifestyle.    I did a research as to why Ashitaba should be part of our daily routine being natural and healthy and here are the things that it is known to be effective at:

If you are suffering from any of the following ailments or illnesses, you can try making the ashitaba tea or juice as alternative medicine.  Who knows, it might be good for your system and it will give you the natural remedy that you want instead of the synthetic medicines that are often prescribed by our regular physicians.

1. GI Tract Disorder
2. Acute Gastritis
3. Chronic Gastritis
4. Chlorhydria
5. Stomach cancer
6. Duodenal Ulcer
7. Descensus Ventriculi
8. Chronic enteritis

It also helps in the following:

9.  Chronic hepatitis
10. cell reproduction
11. blood cleansing
12. Hi-blood pressure
13. Carcinoma
14. Vascular augmentation
15. Anemia
16. Production of sperm
17. Diabetes
18. Shoulder stiffness
19. Neurosis
20. Hemorrhoids
21. Aging of Skin

How to prepare the ashitaba juice or tea:

1. You may boil some leaves and stems to make ashitaba tea or juice.
2. You may mix some asitaba leaves as nutritious ingredient for soup.
3. You may use it as garnish for the soup before serving.
4. In picking leaves, choose the greener and mature ones because they contain more active ingredients.
5. The leaves may be eaten fresh or be mixed with your favorite salad.

My principle has always been, if it does you good then it must be good.  I would often boil two liters of water with ashitaba leaves and refrigerate it.  By doing so, I enjoy ashitaba juice for two days.  I have been drinking it for a week already and I noticed that I don't feel langurous anymore and my bowel movement is more regular. I still continue to observe the effects of ashitaba in my system in case I notice that they are not compatible, but so far, I can say that the effect is positive. 


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