Christine Reyes Finally Announces Her Pregnancy

Which is just as well.  Personally, I think getting pregnant is something we can expect of a young, beautiful and desireable lady like her and pregnancy is not something to be hidden from the curious public.  The public would appreciate you more if you are honest with them.  So for that gesture alone, I commend Christine.  She did not try to divert attention away from her by resorting to gimmickry or creating issues to escape scrutiny.  She did become quiet a while, heaven only knows what kind of soul-searching she did during the months that she went on hiatus.  

Cristine's entry to local tinsel town was not as laborious as other hopefuls had experienced.  Her passage was relatively less agonizing because her older sister, Ara Mina, had paved the path for her easy access to Philippine moviedom.  The first time I became aware of Cristine Reyes was during her participation in the talent search "Starstruck."  She did not emerge as the winner of the search, but she left a really great and strong impression to the viewers.  Her flawless skin and innocent, youthful looks became a hit among men from all ages.  Christine starred in many television dramas both in supporting roles and starring roles.  Among them "Eva Fonda," a project that also solidified her bankability as a sexy star.  

One of her unforgettable roles, well, for me at least, was her short, almost cameo role, in the revival of "Working Girls."  It was a remake of the '80s hit 'Working Girls"  directed by Ishmael Bernal.  Not only was Cristine effective in her role as Wendy Casuga,  she really cemented her acting ability in that short, but effective role that she performed rather perfectly.   Unfortunately, she became typecasted in such kinds of projects that it almost seemed Christine could not find  the ideal project so that she will not be typecasted into movies that would focus on her physical attributes rather than in her acting abilities.     It did not help that she had a string of boyfriends in her heel too.  Now, she is going to be doing that most important role that is given her, motherhood, a role where there will be no double takes and cuts.  Are you ready for it, Christine?


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