So you have not decided yet who to vote for on May 9? If not, why don’t you do some soul-searching to help you decide on who to vote for in order to get the leaders that you really want and need?  If you ask me, I only have one choice and selection to make.  My vote goes to the winning team of Mar and Leni, or Ro-Ro, for Roxas-Robredo.  My vote goes to the team whose integrity I believe in.  When I think of the future of the Philippines, I think of it not only in terms of industrial, economic and financial growth.  Most importantly, I would like to aim for quality thinking and shift in mentality. 

Thinking that we need a strongman to help us rise or make our lives better is the thinking of people who don’t have confidence in themselves and in their capacity to work and think for their own upliftment.   In order to do this, a leader must also have this kind of mentality and not feed on the people’s desperation.  This leader must inspire people to aim for higher and noble ideals.  This leader must not only serve as protector or defender of the flock like that of the ancient times where someone becomes a tribe leader because he has killed many warriors from the neighboring tribe.  No.  A leader must be able to tell people that mendicancy is not something to crow about.  That there is such a thing as self-reliance and independent mindedness, and self-motivation. 

That’s why my vote goes to Mar-Leni.  This team will not profess hero-worshipping them.  This team will help me think for my own benefit, and not think for me.  This team will give me the freedom to decide for myself what is great for me.  This team will not do everything for me because that reduces my worth as an individual.  This team trusts me enough to help me plan for myself, knowing that they have provided the blueprint into how to achieve my personal success.   Mar and Leni…the team that believes in you is the team that deserves to win.


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