Pres. Duterte Succumbs and Gives 1,000 SSS Pension Hike

What do we know, barely a week when Pres. Duterte announced that he will not be increasing the SSS pension of retirees, he has now succumbed to pressure (to fulfill his campaign promise) to give the 2,000 pension hike.   That's the reason why I give our president a half-ear whenever he announces anything.  There is just no telling when he will revise what he will say.  I don't know if that is deliberate or not.  And if it is deliberate, why do it and what he gets from it.  

It's common to hear him curse and threaten government and public officials especially when he talks to the elected officials that are in the narco-list (list of officials and politicians who are allegedly involved in drug-selling/dealing), so why should changing his mind be a big deal?  

So this increase will not be given in one big bulk (otherwise that will be the death of SSS), but in two staggered gives.  In February this year, retirees with low pension (below 2,000) will enjoy an additional 1,000 per month.   And the next 1,000 will be given in 2019.   That will be the time that they will enjoy fully the P2,000 increase.  

There is something wrong with the concept of this law, because in principle, your pension from the fund will depend on the amount of your contribution.  It is not fair for those who contributed high to be receiving a pension almost similar in amount to those who will benefit from the pension hike.  

While we should be compassionate to others, I am still not in favor of giving out the 2k just like that.  I am more in favor in giving those low pensioners more medical and hospitalization benefits, food stubs, not in the form of financial increase.  


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