Learning How to Drive: Step 1 - How to Find an Effective Teacher

Driving is a very important skill and learning how to drive is very tricky, requiring concentration and focus.  Many professions require driving as a qualification.  It is useful not only for your personal needs but also for your professional needs.  Ever since childhood, I have always wanted to drive a vehicle.  For me, I can do a lot of things if I know how to drive.  It can come handy especially during emergency occasions and can enhance my image.  And if I am a really a good driver, I would earn  the respect of men, especially if I drive a huge vehicle.  So after many decades of planning, I was able to enrol in driving lessons, and now,  finally i'm able to start my lifelong dream of learning how to drive a vehicle.

It was not an easy decision to do and start. Since I live in the boondocks of Rizal, I had to find if there is a good driving school near my area, fortunately there is one, so I inquired at the SMART driving school.  I heard they are good and have been in operation for 12 years already.  Are they the pioneer driving school? I'm not sure, but they do have a great reputation.  So I went to their office and I was shown different packages that they offer.  I paid close attention to the information in their price matrix and enrolled for a REVO or INNOVA vehicle for seven (7 hours + 1) There are many inclusions in the package.  And I figured that I need longer hours because I am zero level in driving.  By the way, before I enrolled, I first got a student permit at the Land Transportation Office.  I spent only a total of 2 hours in getting the permit and it cost me 385 pesos only.  I heard driving schools only admit enrollees if they have a permit from the LTO. This permit is valid for 1 year so you have to use it immediately. 

So armed with my student permit and desire to study driving, i enrol at SMART Driving School in Rodriguez Rizal.  I paid P6,000 for 7 hours and there is a bonus of 1 hour.   After enrolling, I was required to attend a three-hour orientation about driving and purely theories about turning the ignition on, changing gears, parking, turning, etc. I braced myself for a boring orientation, however, I was surprised that our facilitator was funny and engaging. He shared many anecdotes of his experiences both as a beginner driver and instructor.  After that three-hour orientation, I told myself I am on the right track after all. I just found myself so looking forward at the time i would be on the wheel.  Did I just imagine it or are my nerves really had ebbed away?  Well, tomorrow will be the judge of it.


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