The day the axe fell ... on Gina Lopez

Were we really surprised about the result of the CA on the confirmation of Gina Lopez as Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources?  Frankly, I have half expected it already, though at the back of my mind, my fingers were crossed that eventually, she can convince the CA of her passion about the restoration of the  cleanliness of our environment.  One of the famous lines she delivered was, "The Philippines does not need mining."  Unfortunately, these famous words became the pivotal point and cost her her confirmation.

The entire country watched as the events unfolded and climaxed into a disappointing result.  She is the second appointee of Pres. Rodrigo Duterte who was rejected by the CA.  The first one was Sec. Perfecto Yasay, who had a totally different issue that's why he was rejected.  Will any Duterte appointee ever be confirmed secretary in the end?  Sounds like it is a very steep and challenging mountain slope for them.  They will have to huff and huff and crawl to reach the top of the mountain, so to speak.

What's my take on this?  First, I do not question Ms. Lopez's passion and integrity (translation:  not corruptible) if she ever gets confirmed DENR secretary.  She is a multi-awarded philanthropist and pioneered the social responsibility programs in the country.  Among her passions are children's welfare and the environment.    I just had a few reservations as to her long-term efficiency.  Her visions were not clear.  It is not enough to close up mines that are damaging the environment, it is important that there are plans as alternative source of income if ever a mine is closed in a particular area.  While the environment would be salvaged, the livelihood of the community will suffer.   Plus, I don't think crooning out your favorite tune, no matter how well done, will impress a group of hardcore politicians serving their own interests.   

I hope the next appointee will survive the CA sessions, be idealistic but balanced in terms of practicality and in her or his passion to promote safer environment.   In case you're wondering who caused  the axe to fall on Gina Lopez, here they are: 


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