An invitation

I got into spa-ing (if there is such a verb) back in 2000 when the concept of wellness was slowly getting popular and people were becoming conscious of their health while utilizing natural means or natural ways of therapy.

I remember visiting Manang Luz, a blind masseuse, regularly back then because I would feel muscle pains at my back and left part of my body and often engage her in a conversation just to pass time while she magically reduces my body pain with each stroke of her finger.

To this day, I still visit Manang Luz. She, and her other blind companions would give massage services to people living within the UP Diliman area. It's been a strong 8 years.Because of the passion I have for massages and spas, I have decided to share my journey into the exciting world of spas by opening a new blog entitled: A Spa-cial Life, please come and visit at your pleasure.


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