Earn Money from your Bedroom

from: howstuffworks.com

It's not what you think, lol.   I know that when you open your closet, you'll see a lot of clothes that you have not worn for two or three years, right?  We all have that tendency to store things. We store or keep the pair of jeans that do not fit us hoping that we will be able to wear it after working out for the next three months. We store bags that we have received from our bosses, even if we dislike the design and have no intention of using them ever.  We store blouses  that we bought on impulse and realized that it does not become us.  We store old lipstick, old coins, old stamps. old letters, old photos, old underwear, old and broken mugs, old books, and so on,  In short, we are all hoarders.  Nothing wrong with that, as long as you find time to wear half of your closet so that they will also smell of laundry bar and fabric conditioner, but if you don't plan to wear them within the year, then please give them up.  It's time to earn from them.   Here are some tips to earn from the things that you have accumulated  through the years.

pic from constantcontact.com

1)  Hold a rummage sale or a garage sale -  This is quite labor intensive because you need to prepare at least one week prior to the date itself. You need to secure a permit from the village homeowners' association if you want to hold a rummage sale.  Second, you need to make sure the location is safe: no dogs, no danger to theft, no mosquitoes, well-guarded, well-lighted and so forth.  Third, make sure that you were able to advertise and spread the word so that you will have enough customers.  Fourth, digitize:  get photos of some items and their prices so that you will not lose track of their prices and you can easily browse the item.  Fifth, be prepared to give a discount.  It's part of the trade.  They know its already cheap but bargaining is a tradition and customers expect that already.  You can give higher discount, but make sure that you earn even a little and not just give them away.   It's good to give a portion of your proceeds to your favorite charity, NGO, or to church.  But you need to inform the recipient beforehand, so that you will not be accused of misinformation and being self-serving.

2) Sell Online - This is not labor intensive but still cumbersome.  But if you are a very patient person and you have a great camera, plus really good, cool and trendy items, you will be a huge success in online selling.  It is quite easy to build a good reputation especially if your customers are satisfied with your items and service, There are many ways to sell your goods over the internet,  The key is good advertising and posting and a little knowledge of SEO.  You can sell at different web sites where advertising is free.  But a caveat though when you advertise your contact number, make the format difficult to copy so that only serious buyers or customers will take the time to contact you.  You can easily become a victim of prank callers and other people who have nothing better to do especially if they get hold of your email address and contact numbers.

These are just some of the ways for you to earn from the stuff that you accumulated.  If you are able to think of others, then feel free to share the information so that others can benefit from your ideas.   Ciao, happy selling friends.


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