How Do You Keep Your Brain Active?

As we grow older, we gradually forget things.  Even our short-term memory becomes weaker.  We forget the activities that we did that day.  We also forget where we placed an object or an item.  When we meet a familiar face on the street, we can't put a name on her or him.  It creeps slowly that it becomes embarrassing sometimes and sometimes dangerous.  I know of someone who was cooking rice but was in a rush to leave because of an appointment, and he forgot to turn off the stove.  The stove went on burning for over 30 minutes or close to an hour that the rice started to burn.  More minutes passed and still the stove was on, the rice started to really turn brown and then black.  The house started to smell of burnt wood.  Fortunately, the other people in the house were able to smell the burning rice and got up in time before the entire content of the pot becomes pure charcoal.  Fortunately, there were other occupants in the house, but what if, what if, there was no one who could smell the burning rice and the stove would rage on and on and heaven forbid will really result in a big fire?  Scary thought, right?

Well, how do we prevent this premature Alzheimers, so to speak?    This condition can be avoided by doing some activities that will keep our mind active and healthy.    First, we should eat the right kinds of food.  Experts recommend berries and greens to boost one's memory.   Eating fruit and vegetable juices increases alertness and mind activity.   Second, we should eat food with high Omega 3 Fatty Acids like tuna, mackerel and salmon.  And lastly, we exercise our mind by mind games and continuously reading.  Exercising our mind keeps our mind alert, focused and be more capable of retaining larger amounts of information.

I exercise my mind or brain by playing scrabble regularly.  Scrabble challenges me to think the right play to get the maximum points out of my tiles.  It also allows me to formulate strategies to beat my opponents.  There are other word games or mind games that challenges one to think, find one that suits your preferences.      There is Sudoku and other types.  It depends on what you enjoy and how much time you can spend on doing it.  So there are other mind-challenging things that we can do, not just watching television.


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