I'd Rather go Walking

Walking is one of the best exercises because it does not require any fancy equipment and at the same time, does not require the use of some ample space unlike say, yoga or dancing where you need to perform the routines within a certain  area and swimming, where you need to be in the pool or go to the beach.  What is advisable though for walkers is a good pair of walking shoes in order to be comfortable in walking.  A good pair of walking shoes would be very light, airy and with a low supportive heel for easier rolling of the foot from the heel to the toes.  

Walkers benefit from walking because it is believed to be effective in: 

a) weight loss

b) decrease of cancer and type 2 diabetes 
c) Improving disposition
The ideal duration of time to walk for physical fitness and health is from 30-60 minutes daily.  But studies also have shown that 15 minutes can also have the same effect.   When done properly, walking does not only speed up metabolism and control weight, but is good for the physical well-being.  Here are some useful tips before you start your walking exercises.

1) Wear proper gear - Aside from the right pair of shoes, wear clothes appropriate to the time of day or weather. Safety is key always.  

2) Observe proper posture - Even if running is fairly easy to do, the right technique can add to proper execution.

3)  Remember to always warm up.  Prepare your muscles, feet and legs for the task ahead.

4)  Cool down after walking.  Always change pace gradually.  So after walking for 30 - 60 minutes, before finally ending the exercise, cool down so that your heart and muscles will also adjust to the change in pace gradually, not abrupt.  

5)  Start with short duration walks and gradually increase the duration within the week.  You'll be amazed at the many changes it does to your body and well-being.


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