Eat Honey For a Stronger Body

     In some cultures in Africa, honey is considered, "yellow and sweet gold."  They consider honey to be a precious commodity.  Indigenous groups would climb very tall trees, endangering their lives in the process just to provide their families with this "yellow and sweet: gold." They actually eat honey straight from the comb, beeswax and all, after all, wild and raw honey is ready-to-eat.  What could be more natural than eating it straight from the honeycomb that it was taken from.  Honey is believed to be the healthiest food ever known to man.  The fact that it has no expiration date is an indication that it has components or elements that makes it long-lasting and makes it withstand all season and temperature. Imagine what benefit a teaspoon of honey brings to our body and imagine the kind of fortification you can get from honey.  

     Well, according to research, eating a spoonful of honey at least once a day will prevent increase of free-radicals in the body.  Therefore, it diminishes the likelihood of cancer-growth and destruction of human body cells.   For the longest time, honey was believed to be best in healing cuts and wounds.   Honey, when applied topically over cuts, wounds and even burns makes healing faster and infection free too.  This is because honey has antibacterial agents that are natural antiseptics.  So before applying iodine or other antiseptics, consider using honey first and see how fast the healing effect of honey is to your wounds or cuts or burns.  
     If you are a sports buff, eating honey will keep your blood sugar at optimum level, so your game performances will be constant  and stable.  Honey is a good source of energy that's why if you are an athlete, taking honey as food supplement will boost your physical strength and delays the onset of fatigue.  This is because it contains both fructose and glucose that the body needs to perform at optimum level. 

     If you feel like you are going to have a sore throat, you can prevent it from becoming worse by simply taking a teaspoon of honey.  Its antibacterial qualities can delay or even prevent it from developing into a full-blown soar throat.  You may also prepare a honey-lemon-salt formula for a more natural anti-bacterial drink.

   Remember to always include honey when you go shopping for your daily kitchen needs.  If you can find one that says raw and wild honey, it will be best, but it will be perfect if you can also feel or taste the beeswax because it is a sign that the honey was really stored straight from the honeycomb.  


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