Miley Cyrus: Love her or Hate her

This is probably a subject that is so off-tangent.  What does Miley Cyrus got to do with a simple lifestyle?  Na da, but she is newsworthy and whether you agree with me or not, Miley Cyrus has an enigmatic personality, bordering on extremes.  She is pragmatic on one hand yet, bold and daring on the other.  No wonder her fans adore her and her critics, well, you just have to think of a way to compete with her effectively.  We have to give Miley credit for her courage and bravery to perform stunts that totally breakaway from her wholesome image.  She knew that she would be criticized for her racy, almost pornographic performances, but she proceeded and gave a performance that people will never forget, well, people are still talking about her VMA stint after a month that she did that never-to-be-forgotten number, if that is not an achievement and a huge marketing success, I do not know what is. 

You can criticize Miley for appearing on stage in get ups fitting for for adult movies but you have to admire her dedication in keeping herself physically fit and healthy.  Her flat abs and toned leg muscles are testimonies  to her desire to be healthy and be a role-model for people her age  by simply staying physically attractive, never mind if it is bordering on vanity.  You can criticize her for her radical or unusual ways for promoting her album (Bangerz) but you have to admire her for her willingness to go to that extra, extra long mile to promote it.  I'm sure the record labels are going to gain a lot from Miley's efforts.  Any business entity would put their money in someone who can  rake in huge returns and Miley had better gear up for more projects if this is the strategy she will use in promoting any project she will have in the future.  

Let's not forget that through all the flak that Miley earned from her promotional gigs, her family continue to support her, I guess, they know something that we don't know.  They know that this is all done for commercial purposes and just to generate media attention and mileage.  She merely is doing her duty to promote her album and it shows that at her young age, Miley is a professional.  A sign of  good things to come for this girl.  If I am a businessman, i will not think twice in investing my money on her. Her industry is simply unquestionable.


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