So You Want to Learn Another Language?

People think having the ability to speak another language is cool.  Well, it is cool, but they just don't realize the amount of work that is spent in order to be fluent at a different language.  Admittedly, there are many advantages in being able to speak other languages.  Nowadays, people who are bilingual, have more job opportunities.  When a friend of mine went to work in Korea, I told her while you are there, you should learn another skill.  I encouraged her to study Korean language, which she did.  She studied earnestly, until she became almost like a native speaker,  By the way, she stayed for almost six years in Korea, working different odd jobs.  Until one day, she saw in the Internet, one BPO hiring a CSR who can communicate in Korean or Hanguk.  She saw it as an opportunity.   So she searched some more openings and she found out that it is not just one BPO, there are more BPOs looking for Korean speakers.   

That was the final factor that finally made her return home to the Philippines.  True enough, she discovered that there are BPOs looking for Korean speaking CSRs, and aside from BPOs, there are many English Centers that cater to Koreans.  She also thought that this was another avenue for her to get a job that is lighter and more permanent.  You see, in Korea, she would work at different factories.  Sometimes she would work in a textile factory, sometimes a noodle factory, etc.  These were not easy jobs.  These were difficult jobs and worse, they had to work double time when there are bulk orders.  She was compensated reasonably for her efforts, but then she reached the burn-out stage, so it was really a relief when she found out that she could get a job from the skill that she mastered in Korea.  

But I digress, what this blog entry is really all about language learning.  Language learning requires effort.  Aside from the fact that there are people who really have a natural inclination for language learning, being diligent in learning and practicing is an added edge.  Like any skill,  practicing it makes perfect.   What are some things to consider about language learning?  First, find out what your goal is.  Why do you want to learn Spanish, German, French, Japanese?  Second, how do you plan to start learning?  Self-study? or with a language teacher?  If you want to study by yourself, there are many resources in the Internet.  All you need is discipline, discipline in the sense that, you have to stick to your plan.  If you want to spend an hour a day for self-study, you have to observe it.  Don't procrastinate.  A daily schedule for 3 months will produce desired results.  Next, how do you plan to agressively practice what you have learned?  You see, your knowledge is as good as the last chance you practice it, after that, it goes out the window. 

There are many ways to practice it.  Find a native speaker of your target language in different social media and you can chat regularly with this person.  You can inform him or her of your intention or simply just strike a friendship and who knows, it could lead to something deeper or permanent.  You just need to be careful with the info you give them at first.  You can discuss many things with this person: hobbies, music, family, job, opinion about news, everything.   

Learning a new language should be enjoyable and entertaining.  You will encounter difficulties somewhere and even make errors that will discourage you especially if you are too focused in grammar, but once you are more comfortable and confident with your knowledge, you will feel relaxed and less tensed.  Eventually, you will be relaxed in talking with others and can share your ideas using the target language.  


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