The World's Romance with Kate Middleton continues

Kate Middleton's name is synonymous to the British royal family, without even trying, she is overshadowing the pure, blue-blooded royals.  She is probably the world's most photographed personality lately.   Search Google images and you will know what I'm talking about.  Who can forget the day she and Prince William tied the knot while the entire world was watching?   The entire world was probably asking who is this brave young lady who accepted the challenge of marrying Britain's second heir to the throne? Who is she who is brave to give up her private and personal life and be constantly followed by cameras and papparazzis at every sight of her?   Who is this who wants to continue the British royal line by mothering the third in line to the royal throne?  There were different reactions and stories about Kate Middleton at that point and I'm sure it did not escape her that she was under the world's scrutiny and she has rose up to the challenge and so far is doing a great job of being the ambassadress for the entire British royal family and for Britain as well.   

The world is surely watching and has formed a romance with Kate Middleton the way it did with the former Princess, Diana.  The people adore her so much that wherever she goes, cameras can't help snapping.  Even at her private moments (remember the shots taken when she was sunbathing topless?) paparazzis are ready to get into a 100 km run with their zoom lenses just to get a shot at the princess in her most private moments with her upper private parts exposed.  One would often wonder if Kate has not asked herself, "What have I gotten myself into?"

Marrying an institution like the British Royal family is not an easy feat.  Like she said on her engagement day, "The thought of marrying a royal is daunting," but then when true love waits, all must be forsaken.  Like the rest of the world, I am fascinated with Kate and her determination to be deserving of the title 'Duchess' and I admire her inner and outer beauty, that what is captured and not captured by the cameras.  She has fortitude, intelligence and devotion to her family.  What's amazing is even if William were no Prince, I'm sure Kate would still marry him because I can sense that their souls were predestined to meet.  And even if no one would agree with me, I still believe that it is the royal family who were fortunate to have Kate and not the other way around.       


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