Don't be a victim like Rosita (not her real name) I heard of her story while I was also going to send money to a retailer in Mindanao because I was purchasing something. Rosita is 70 years old and like people her age, doesn't pay attention much to details especially that she has been sending money through this popular courier a hundred times already and was satisfied of their service, until that fateful day of June. She sent the amount of P2000 to her grandson as a fiesta present, so that he can buy something new to wear or spend while watching the festivities. Her grandson was so excited to get the cash but he was denied the first time he came. He requested that the control number be sent again, to be sure, so Rosita sent it and again, he was denied. He was made to return several times in order to speak with the cashier, but he was denied again and again. Until somebody said that the money was already claimed by another person. (The said transaction has been