
Showing posts from May, 2009

What's Your Money Personality?

Do you know how to value money and use it sparingly or wisely? Take this test and see what kind of a spender you are, this is the result of my test and I wholeheartedly agree with it. I used to be a big spender, but when I turned 30, everything that I earned, I made sure I used wisely so that when I don't see any cash inside my wallet, I would immediately think that I spent it on something useful, or I invested it.  I don't want to stress myself thinking where I spent my money, why my wallet is empty.  So I made sure that I will not regret anything whenever I would open my wallet, should I find it empty.   Your Money Personality is Healthy You have a good relationship with money. You don't spend wildly, but you're not opposed to treating yourself on occasion. In general, you save some of what you earn. You know the importance of a nest egg. You aren't afraid of being financially literate - you embrace learning more about finances. From a retirement plan to h...

Something Cute to Cheer Me Up: Vegetable Art

I always viewed crying as therapeutic, but I was not conditioned to the sudden welling up of tears as I played Ronnie Laws's "Stay Awake" tonight. Shallow, isn't it? But maybe, its time for my tear ducts to get some exercise. It felt good afterwards though. I looked at this photo which was taken a while back and I was impressed at the artistic results of the arrangement of the different veggies that were used to create this. Can you identify some of the veggies in this artwork? I guess it is time to go to a spa, i am rambling inanities like a ninny. Enjoy the photo...