Kris Tells the Truth

I have just read two articles all pertaining to the "big mouth' of Kris Aquino and Kris's pronouncements as to why blessings have been coming her way. The first one talked about what positive things happened to the country when Kris, supposedly, stopped doing the big S, not shabu, mind you. Of course, it was a satire with a big S too. Poor Kris, again, she succeeded in getting the ire of her haters. It is just so like her to ignite the wick of the candle of hate. Kris, as always, likes to test if her news-worthiness and her magic touch is still working. Guys, what did you expect, she is the queen of all media, the local Oprah, after all. And having a "big mouth" goes with the package, a really big one to accomodate a foot too. People react differently to the antics of Ms. Aquino, and I say, you all bit the bait. I have a feeling that Kris is an expert in mind-reading and a really, manipulative, sneaky diva....