Chris Hemsworth is the Sexiest Man Alive for 2014

People Magazine has released its traditional yearly choice of 'The Sexiest Man Alive." This year's choice is the epitome of hunkness, a perfect blending of looks and brawn. Not only is he sexy physically, but he possess that manly appeal, just like the former winners' Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johny Depp, etc. I couldn't agree more that Chris Hemsworth deserves the title. I am just wondering why People Magazine doesn't use the title "The Sexiest Gentleman Alive"? We need to hear more the word 'gentleman' because it is now an endangered species. Famous people like Chris Hemsworth and other members of his species should help advocate the importance of being a 'gentleman.' In doing so, they can be instrumental in reviving the age old practice of chivalry. Many men nowadays don't know how to respect and be courteous to women. If they are, they are selective. It is very seldom that doors are opened by...