Who is Daniel Cabrera?

Daniel Cabrera has been living a life of a child from a family who can barely get through the day with his mother earning less than $2 a day by working at a retail store.  It's no wonder that the child has great dreams.  He dreams of becoming rich someday and smart enough to know that education is the key to attaining his dreams.  "I don't want to be poor for the rest of my life," He told his mother.  

Because of extreme hardship in life and their home having very little comfort, not even any electricity, he has to study his lessons at night at a nearby sidewalk in order to be lighted upon by the escaping gleams from the nearby establishment.   It was during one of those times he would be using the lights from the establishment that one passer-by was struck by the power of the image of the boy making do with what is around him to survive.  Ms. Torrefranca, a medical student, did not feel pity, but instead felt inspired upon seeing the boy in that spot at that time of the night.  The image just evoked that emotion from her that she could not help but memorialize it with a photo that has since gotten viral.  That spot is now going to be visited by a lot of people.  It will now be a busy area, because everyone's curiosity got piqued.  But more than just its popularity, it's the symbol that Daniel has given to that tiny corner.  

Daniel has now become a symbol of hope and perseverance, almost like when Manny Pacquiao left his hometown to try his luck in Manila.  Daniel has already received many assistance from people he has touched, people who admired the young boy's determination to study and be educated even in his family's dire conditions. 

They say diamonds are created by extreme pressure and hard conditions, plus they are rubbed so hard in order for their radiance to shine.  I'd say Daniel is a diamond, and what he taught everyone of us is just priceless.


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