Earn Money from your Bedroom

from: howstuffworks.com It's not what you think, lol. I know that when you open your closet, you'll see a lot of clothes that you have not worn for two or three years, right? We all have that tendency to store things. We store or keep the pair of jeans that do not fit us hoping that we will be able to wear it after working out for the next three months. We store bags that we have received from our bosses, even if we dislike the design and have no intention of using them ever. We store blouses that we bought on impulse and realized that it does not become us. We store old lipstick, old coins, old stamps. old letters, old photos, old underwear, old and broken mugs, old books, and so on, In short, we are all hoarders. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you find time to wear half of your closet so that they will also smell of laundry bar and fabric conditioner, but if you don't plan to wear them within the year, then please give them up. ...